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Internet business development tips
Marketing Maxims for Today's Challenging Times

are turbulent times for all businesses - necessitating streamlined marketing
processes that are finely honed to mesh with today's sputtering global economy.
1) Don't stop advertising because the economy is sluggish - increase it,
as many of your competitors are foolishly slowing down and you can grab market
share! Look at what Dell has done to Gateway in the last eighteen months -
Gateway has lost 10-20% of their market share and are pulling in their horns,
while Dell's slice of the pie has grown bigger.
2) Negotiate aggressively with media sources - its tough right now
for online and offline publishers to generate advertising revenue and they are
being forced to consider any and all deals. Note the number of "house
ads" being run by major portals like Yahoo and, 20-30% of
their banner ads or sponsorship buttons are promoting their own businesses.
3) It's no secret that many ecommerce sites look like - it
pays to mirror existing market leaders' web site design. People always resist
change and familiarity is one of key reasons why they shop on and offline in the
same stores.
4) Niche marketing has almost become a homily - but it enables your
company to leverage your marketing expenditures and R&D costs by
concentrating on a narrow market segment. ToolLogic, Inc. (
is a wonderful example of a company that created/found a niche and then
dominated it.
5) What's unique about your company, services and/or products? When
you understand this you've just created "brand uniqueness" - make
sure you integrate these themes with all of your marketing; customers need to
know what's different about your company versus your competitors. Ben and
Jerry's Ice Cream (
did a wonderful job of developing brand uniqueness in a commodity market (ice
cream) that enabled them to build a great company.
6) A key attribute for any successful marketing campaign is repetition
- your company may not have the marketing resources of an Intel (their
"Intel Inside" campaign far exceeded their marketing goals) but you do
need to repeat your message and reinforce the branding and market awareness by
touching your market segment via multiple reinforcing marketing processes; i.e
search engine ranking, print, opt-in e-mail, radio/TV, sponsorship buttons,
newsletter inserts, etc.
7) Make it easy to do business with your company by offering pricing
and terms of service that fit your client's needs - Digit-Net technologies (
sells software and or ASP services to its customers by offering them terms of
services that can be flexed to fit their needs, not the other way around.
8) Switching costs are high in this challenging market - companies and
individuals don't want to change their habits, as this can cost them more money.
So, figure out how you can adapt your products and services to fit their needs
to minimize their switching costs. Then, communicate this effectively via all of
your marketing processes.
Lee Traupel has 20 plus years of marketing and business development experience
He is the co-founder of a Northern California and Brussels Belgium based
Interactive Advertising Agency, Intelective Communications, Inc. Intelective
focuses exclusively on providing strategic and tactical marketing services to
small to medium sized companies. He can be reached at
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