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Climb to the Top of Search Engines Today!

Everyone wants to get listed on the top
of search engines. Hardly a day goes by when someone doesn’t call me on the
phone or stop me at a seminar and ask how they can make it to number one. In
today’s competitive market getting noticed can be more difficult than ever.
Whether you’re a speaker, author or consultant you need visibility. Having a
quality web site is one of the key ingredients for success; however, having a
great web site is not enough.
The majority of visitors get to web sites using the major search engines and
directories. Enter the search term "professional speaker" into Google and you
will find that there are over ten million results. Try entering a phrase like
"motivational speaker" and you will quickly learn that there are over one
million sites competing for this term. In order to be listed on the first page
you need to be ranked in the top 10 results. That means that the odds are less
than one in one hundred thousand that you will make it to the top page. What can
be done to hedge your bet?
There are multiple ways to obtain top search engine ranking. In this issue we
are going to focus on the benefits and pitfalls of paid placement
Buy Your Way to the Top
The easiest (and most costly) way is to buy your way to the top. Search
engines such as Google, Overture, Kanoodle, Findwhat and others are generating
billions of dollars of revenue through cost per click (cpc) advertising.
Although the implementations are different, the concepts are relatively the
same. They all sell sponsored listings on the top several pages of their search
results for a fee. This fee is usually determined by competitive bidding. For
example: today the top bidder for the term "motivational speaker" on Overture is
willing to pay up to $3.58 each time someone clicks on their ad.
To be listed in the number one position, all you have to do is open an
account and bid $3.59. You would then link the ad to your web site and each
click would generate a new visitor. Notice that I used the term visitor rather
than the term lead or sale. When purchasing cpc advertising it is very easy to
spend a small or large fortune in soliciting visitors who don’t produce leads or
sales. A number of factors can influence your online marketing campaign,
including your ad copy, keyword phrase selection, bidding strategy and your
Four Common Pitfalls That Can Drive You To Bankruptcy:
Selecting one word search terms that are generic in nature and lead
unqualified traffic to your web site.
An example would be to buy the keyword "speaker." As a professional speaker, do
you care about audiophiles who are looking for home theater products, computer
products, car stereos, etc? Not at all! You will get thousands of visitors that
will do nothing but deplete your bank account. Use targeted keyword phrases.
This requires a significant amount of time and research; however your efforts
will pave your way to the bank.
Selecting search terms that are not geographically specific, if your
product or service is only available to a local or regional audience.
The Internet has global reach. Would you advertise your local business in the
New York Daily News or the London Times? Why pay to get visitors from all over
the world if your product or services aren’t applicable? Use city and state
specific keywords or regional targeting to focus on your specific audience and
Trying to obtain top position for all of your keyword phrases.
Maintaining top positioning for non-competitive keyword phrases may make
sense if the cost is small. However, for competitive terms, the investment
dynamics can change dramatically. Recently we had Overture run a proposal for
one client who wanted to obtain top positioning on a variety of very competitive
terms. The proposal called for a budget of over $300,000 per month and was
expected to yield 6,328 visitors at an average cost of approx. $50 per visitor.
Further analysis showed that by running the same keywords in the number five
position we would receive approx. 2,000 visitors at an average cost per visitor
of less than $20.
Neglecting the Math
The goal is either to get quality leads for potential speaking engagements or
to sell more back-of-the-room products. If it costs one dollar to drive a
visitor to your web site and one out of fifty people purchase your product, then
your cost to acquire a customer is fifty dollars. If your profit margin
cannot support this model, then stop immediately. The objective is to refine
your keyword phrases, related bids, web site offer, etc. to yield an affordable
and reproducible advertising model based on conversion results.
Our clients regularly generate new business using cost per click advertising.
This process takes extensive effort, analysis and time to implement. However, by
selecting relevant keyword phrases that drive targeted traffic to a well-
designed, action-oriented web site you can obtain similar results. Next article
we’ll cover a variety of non-paid ways to help you climb to the top!
Dave Larner is a best selling author, speaker and online marketing consultant
with over 24 years of industry experience. He has helped his clients obtain
thousands of top ten keyword positions on the major search engines. In addition,
he has created hundreds of professionally designed web sites, including
Dave Larner
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