The Ultimate Keyword Optimization Guide
for Search Engine Positioning

We all know it and we all do it. Whenever the
typical web user needs to find something on the web, he or she will almost
always instinctively go to one of the top search engines and run a search. Then,
he or she will have a look at the first 30 search results returned (usually the
first three pages of results), hardly ever looking beyond that. If nothing looks
appealing, they will run another search using a variation of the keywords they
used on the first search. Again, they will look at the first 30 results. If they
still find nothing of interest, they may switch to a different search engine and
repeat the process. This, believe it or not, is the typical web navigation
behavior of at least 86% of the 110 million all web users out there. The
question is, does your web site capitalize on this behavior?
the answer is yes for you, then no matter what a user searches for that has any
relation at all to your products, they should find you even if they hadn't
thought of finding you! That translates to a very high amount of daily traffic
to your site. Is this what is happening for you?
bet the answer is no. Very few web sites really capitalize on this behavior.
However, you can learn how to do so. For this tutorial, we shall assume that you
are in the business of selling wedding gowns. You have a web site that does a
good job of displaying your wedding gowns, but like most other web site owners,
your web traffic is really low and clients are simply not finding you. You have
done everything you can think of, but your pages hardly come up on the search
engines. What next? Well, get ready to learn one of the most effective online
marketing strategies.
know that the web user will think of a keyword or phrase and type that into a
search form on an engine. That is his or her first step, and so it should be
ours. This is a very important step! Get a piece of paper or open up your text
editor and keep writing all the keywords and phrases that you think of as you go
through the steps outlined below. Selecting the right keywords or keyword
phrases will skyrocket your traffic. Research has shown that most people use
phrases of 2 to 3 keywords when searching. People have come to learn that just
typing in one keyword in a search will get them thousands of records that they
just do not need. Therefore, they combine two or three keywords in their
list should end up having about 50 or more keywords and phrases. You must write
down every word that a person might use to look for your site PLUS words they
may use to look for other related information or products. This is no easy task.
It involves some research and a fair bit of thought. Remember, thousands of
people out there looking for wedding gowns may not all think alike, look for
wedding gowns directly, or even realize at the time that they can get wedding
gowns on the net! To get a good list, here are the steps that you should go
through. Keep your pen and paper handy so that you keep writing as you go along
each step.
Think! Brainstorm! Sit down for several minutes and think! Write down whatever
keywords or phrases come to mind. Then look at your list and see what other word
combinations you can make out from the keywords you have already written down.
Look at your products and services and see what words relating to them will pop
up in your mind. Write the names of each product or service that you deal in.
These product names will also be part of your keyword list.
Ask your family, associates, clients, and friends what words and phrases they
would most likely use to search for products or services like yours.
See what keywords your competitors use. See what keywords are featured on their
pages and in their meta tags.
Be specific AND general in scope. Think of words that also describe things
related to what your site is about. For example, if you sell wedding gowns, also
think about other things and words related to weddings, such as honeymoon,
bridal registry, wedding rings, engagements, and other wedding accessories and
services. The idea here is to capture people who may be looking for other things
related to weddings, whether they are directly looking for wedding gowns or not
at the time. Chances are that someone looking for any wedding related
information will also be interested in knowing about wedding gowns. Get the
idea? This is a very powerful way of getting more targeted traffic to your site.
Do not forget misspelled words. People often misspell words when they enter
their search terms. Include commonly misspelled words or phrases as part of your
If your site deals with a particular region, remember to include that in your
keyword list. E.g. 'Los Angeles wedding gowns' if you deal in wedding gowns
within Los Angeles. A lot of people will search for wedding gowns, get a big
list of returned search results, and decide to add the words "Los
Angeles" (or wherever else they may be interested in) to get more specific
search results.
Use the long and short form of words, e.g. consult, consulting, and consultants.
DO NOT SPAM! Do not use keywords that have nothing to do with your web site. Do
not list the keyword "sex" or "free pics" just because they
are frequently searched for if they do not have anything to do with your web
site. You will only get traffic that is of no use to you anyway because surfers
will come to your site and leave angrily when they realize you just cheated
them. Also, search engines are on the look out for such deceitful practices and
can sometimes ban your pages for spamming. As long as you stick with keywords
related to your core business, you will be fine, but do not go way out of line.
Now its time for some research. You now need to look at what people are actually
searching for on the various engines and get more phrases for your list. Here is
a list of sites that will help you out with that. When doing your research at
these sites, remember steps number 5, 6, and 8 above - people often misspell
words, they use different word forms, and they may be looking for a whole lot of
different stuff all related to your products.
(a) Keywords Inventory Search (
- search for your keywords here and see how popular they were on The
service will also tell you what other related keywords and phrases were searched
for. This is perfect for finding related keywords that you may not have thought
of. For example, a search here for wedding gowns returns the following
for: wedding gown
Search Term
wedding gown
wedding gown designer
discount wedding gown
wedding gown rental
designer wedding gown
plus size wedding gown
low priced wedding gown
lazaro wedding gown
informal wedding gown
wedding gown pattern
vintage wedding gown
custom wedding gown
used wedding gown
wholesale wedding gown
victorian wedding gown
vera wang wedding gown
wedding gown online
demetrios wedding gown
amsale wedding gown
alfred angelo wedding gown
paloma blanca wedding gown
mon cheri wedding gown
los angeles wedding gown
wedding gown and supplies
wedding gown ivory
sweetheart wedding gown
galina wedding gown
eve of milady wedding gown
african wedding gown
western wedding gown
wedding gown at discount price
mori lee wedding gown
(b) (
- See what the top 100 search terms worldwide were. Remember that it is not
advisable to use terms that are not related to your web site's content, but this
service can still prove useful.
SearchSpy (
- SearchSpy is a database of search terms captured from the top search engines.
Use this to find even more words and phrases for your list.
that you are armed with your big list, what you do with it next is what will get
you all the traffic you need. The next process is long and complicated if done
manually, but there are ways of making this automatic, easy, and fast, saving
you the agony of doing it yourself. This article is too short for the technical
details on search engine optimization techniques, so I will just give you a
quick explanation and a link to where you can get all this done for you
automatically and easily.
there are 8 major search engines today - AltaVista, Excite, Infoseek, Lycos,
HotBot, AOL Netfind, WebCrawler, and Northern Light. Yahoo is a directory so
this technique will not work with it. What you need to do is figure out what
kind of pages rank well with each of these engines. Search engines use a
mathematical formula to rank all the pages in their index. It is hard, but not
impossible to come really close to knowing exactly what kind of a page will rank
well on a particular engine. Basically, the text statistics on a page are what
are considered most by the engine's ranking formulas. Now, for each keyword or
phrase on your list, you need to create a web page that focuses on just that one
keyword or phrase and ranks it highly on a particular engine. Because each
engine ranks pages differently, you will need to create a different page
optimized for each engine.
and think about this strategy for a second. You have a list of virtually every
phrase that someone interested in your products and other related products can
ever use in a search. Then, you have pages that make sure they rank highly for
all those searches. No matter what people search for that has any relation to
your products, they will find you even if they had not thought of finding you!
Do you now see how much qualified traffic you can get? It is amazing!
only set back is the amount of work you would have to put into figuring out what
kind of text statistics on a page will rank it well on an engine, then creating
these optimized pages for your entire list of keywords for each major engine.
That means creating about 300 or more finely tuned web pages! But do not worry!
As long as you have compiled your list of keywords and phrases, there is an
online service that will automatically create the optimized pages for you in a
couple of minutes. ( uses a set of
online scripts to cleverly generate web pages optimized for the major search
engines. All you need to do is give it your list of keywords and phrases, a
short piece of text describing your site or business or products, and your email
address (the pages are emailed to you as attached HTML files). To my knowledge,
this is the only service on the web that works in this way.
you have your pages, upload them to your web server and either submit them to
the engines if they aren't too many, or have the engines crawl over them and
index them by only submitting a page that links to all of them. That's it! Now
simply step back and watch your traffic skyrocket!
there are many other ways that people use to find new sites, such as following
links on other sites, reading about sites on magazine, hearing from friends,
etc. But no matter what other methods they use, they almost always use them in
addition to using the search engines, especially when actively trying to locate
new information. By knowing how to use the search engines to your advantage, you
will become an empowered Internet marketer. No other method of marketing is so
powerful, effective, and affordable (virtually free)!
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