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Internet business development tips
Viral eBooks Drive the
Masses to Your Site … Forever

By now, seasoned online
marketers know that the way to grow massive traffic in a short time span is to
have something on their site or product that is viral. It should be something
that spreads across the net on its own, with zero marketing dollars, like a
virus, at an ever-increasing rate. That is how Hotmail, Blue Mountain Arts,
Napster, and others gained such large followings so fast and with so little
marketing. The mere act of using these products meant that you had to tell
someone else about them, and so they grew.
how do you get the viral power on your site?
not all sites and products can be made viral. If your site markets tractors, you
cannot make the use of a tractor viral. However, you can create something else
that is viral! Every Webmaster can, every site can! That is the good news today.
You can create a viral and highly informative eBook. Good eBooks, with built in
viral capabilities, keep spreading from person to person perpetually, without
any end! In fact, the more time passes, the more they are spread around. Every
reader gets to know about your site through your eBook. Moreover, it costs you
nothing for this spreading to happen. We shall first look at the content of the
eBook, then ways to make it viral, followed by how to make this eBook, and
finally ways to get people to start spreading it.
to write
content is the most important part of a viral eBook. The golden rule is, make it
relevant, informative, free and useful. Do not make an eBook that merely
advertises your products. No one finds that useful and no one will pass it on.
People, however, will always treasure and pass on information that is relevant
and helps them with some aspect of their life. To make it viral, all you have to
do is make that kind of information free and give an incentive for people to
pass it on. Let us go back to the information creation first. For example, a
person marketing tractors online would create an eBook that offers free, useful
information on some aspect of farming or the right way to buy and save on farm
equipment, or how to market farm produce overseas using government grants. If on
the other had you sell web services or software, create an eBook on online
marketing and search engine promotion. If your business is in the adult
industry, you may want to create one on Tantric sex or a guide to romantic
dates. The idea is to keep it closely related to your line of business so that
it is passed on to people who would be interested later in your business. The
eBook should be about 20 or more pages long, depending on the topic. Don’t
worry if you are not a writer. Where do you get the content? Well, research. Buy
books on the topic, or go to your library. Get magazine articles from the web.
Compile your research in your own words and that is it (but don’t copy someone
else’s work, that is against copyright laws). One way to find out what topic
is popular in your subject field is to see what books are selling the most in
that subject on Now, you must remember that the end goal of creating
this free eBook is to bring people to your site. So, remember to have a
descriptive link to your site at the footer of every page. A text link is
usually better than a banner. If appropriate, but only in very few places, you
may also work your link into the content of the eBook – but don’t over do
to make it viral
are three main things that you will need to remember to make your eBook spread
like a virus. First, it has to be free. You don’t charge for any part of it!
Secondly, it has to be relevant, informative, free and useful, not just an
advertisement of your products. It has to be something people will read and feel
glad and enlightened that they did. Thirdly, it has to offer an incentive to the
reader to pass it on. The fact that it is informative is already an incentive
but you need more than that. The most powerful incentive is money. Remember that
your eBook has links to your site. If your site is selling products, or if you
are willing to pay for clicks, set up an affiliate program. Then create your
eBook in such a way (see below for how) that it allows the reader to easily and
quickly add their affiliate code to those links to your site. That way, when
they pass the eBook on, the recipients will read it, go to your site using the
links in it, and when they do so or purchase anything on your site, your
affiliate gets an automatic commission. The easiest affiliate system to set up
for this use is AffiliateShop. You can sign up free for 30 days and it very easy
to get running, no installations necessary. For a review of AffiliateShop, see
The other incentive is that people want publicity, for personal or business
reasons. Again, making your eBook easily brandable will allow readers to add a
suitable personal message to the eBook automatically. They will then want to
pass it on so that they too get the benefits of having people down the chain
read about them or their site in the branded sections of your eBook. They also
want more traffic or fame. For an example of branding an eBook and adding
affiliate links that can be changed by each reader, see
to compile the eBook
is the easiest part. The best way to create an eBook is using the Ebook Paper
software. This package will compile HTML files into an eBook, complete with page
turning and other features. Al you need to do is write your book in HTML as web
pages. You don’t even have to link the pages together; the software will do
that for you. The most powerful thing about it is that it also comes with a
branding application that you can distribute free with your eBook. This allows
the reader to personalize and brand your eBook and add their affiliate codes.
See a review of it at
to get people to start spreading your eBook
people know about it. It is that simple. Whenever you let them know, tell them
of its benefits to them. Tell them about the free and useful information it
carries. Also, mention the affiliate commissions they make when they pass it on,
and the publicity they get when they brand it and pass it on. You should tell
your web site visitors about your new eBook by placing links to it in as many
appropriate places as possible, tell your newsletter subscribers, tell your
friends, and mention it in forums and articles as appropriate. The most powerful
way to spread it is to have joint venture agreements with other webmasters. Find
some webmasters who have large mailing lists and busy sites. Tell them you will
add some content from their site to a special edition of the eBook created for
them and add permanent branding to the eBook for them so that it looks like it
is co-produced by the both of you. Also, sign them up in your affiliate program
and add their affiliate codes to the eBook. That way, when they spread it, they
will also benefit by getting more traffic to their site and earn commissions for
sales on your site. They will definitely spread it – they have nothing to lose
and a lot to gain!
viral power of a good eBook that keeps being passed on from friend to friend,
associate to associate, web site to visitor, with nothing to stop it, is
immense! You will forever gather the fruits of your free eBook, as time only
makes the total number of readers larger and larger. The best part of all is
that it will cost you nothing once you create it, but keep working diligently
for you. Start writing – or get someone who can for you!
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