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Internet business development tips
'5 Keys to Copywriting for Site Visitors and Search Engines'

When it comes to writing your Web site copy, you
must balance the needs of your target audience with search engine optimization.
Here are the 5 keys to help you succeed with both site visitors and search
1. Comprehension and Attention Span
Assume your site visitors must understand the primary benefit you offer them in
30 seconds or they'll be gone. This most important benefit must be in your
A strong, enticing headline is the single element of your Web copy you cannot
live without. Studies show the right headline can increase response to an offer
exponentially - and, only one in five people get beyond the headline to read the
rest of the text.
2. Format and Layout
Short copy blocks will serve you well, highlighted by bullet points,
keyword-rich links, and sub headlines.
Multiple, specific sub headlines create immediate context when a visitor is
exploring your site. Make sure they can always see at least one headline on the
screen. Like magazine index headlines, they are summaries of what is to come.
3. Write for Your Readers
Readers of Web copy (in English) most often start in the upper right hand
corner, drop their eyes toward the bottom of the page, and then ascend to the
upper left. The order in which they read is:
a. Headline
b. Sub headlines
c. PS
d. Price (or order pg)
e. Actual Text
Which means, all of these elements must be present.
Above all, write to the needs of your audience. Put yourself in their place and
ask: "What's in this site for me?" That's what they really want to
know, regardless of whether you are marketing or simply delivering information.
The next two elements are to do with writing for the search engines.
4. Keyword-Rich Copy and Theme Indexing
Determine what keywords or keyphrase your entire site is about - a keyphrase
people use often on the search engines. To pick heavily searched, popular
keyphrases, try WordTracker:
Write your entire site around this keyphrase for powerful 'theme indexing', a
process used by search engines to determine an entire site's primary theme.
Theme indexing search engines include Altavista, Google, Excite, Lycos and
Webcrawler. Each in their own unique way evaluates your site using your page
titles, meta keywords, the description tag, page headlines, general content and
links. Which means, your keyphrase must be present in each.
5. Word Placement on the Page
Search engines read from the top of the page down in the HTML code, or roughly
from the upper left to the lower right of your visible text. Therefore, it's in
your best interest to use a keyword-rich phrase in the upper left corner of your
Web page.
Use your primary keyphrase in the first 25 words on your page. Use keyword-rich
Seek a balance of 3-7% keyword-density. Check this before you submit pages with
the free Keyword Density Analyzer: Better yet,
check your top competitors for an exact read on what specific search engines are
really looking for.
Words power the Web. Following these 5 basic steps will help you use your Web
words to maximum advantage.
Scott T. Smith
to Learning Center